Glaucoma Articles
This is the place for the latest information about our work here at Glaucoma Research Foundation and for current events in the world of eye health. All breakthroughs and insights are made possible through the dedication of researchers, and through the continued financial support and active involvement of the community.
The Role of Stress and Anxiety in Glaucoma: Understanding and Management
The relationship between stress and glaucoma is complex and multifaceted and involves several interconnected factors.
Managing Glaucoma: Effective Lifestyle Changes
Learn about various lifestyle strategies for individuals diagnosed with glaucoma.
Glaucoma in the Digital Age: How Screen Time Affects Your Eyes
Until more definitive research is available, being proactive about your screen time habits is smart for eye health.
Synergy in Action
Two Concurrent Catalyst Initiatives Push for a Glaucoma Cure — and More
Donor Spotlight: Mona and Edward Zander
Building on GRF’s strong presence in glaucoma genetic research, the Zander Family Research Fund will underwrite early career scientists whose research explores potential gene therapies.
Glaucoma Surgery: What To Expect
Several surgical treatments are available, depending on the type and stage of glaucoma.
The Relationship Between Diabetes and Glaucoma
Diabetes and glaucoma are two common health conditions affecting millions of people worldwide. Both can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life.
The Importance of Regular Eye Exams to Detect Glaucoma
Regular eye exams are crucial for detecting glaucoma because most people with the condition don’t experience any symptoms until they’ve already suffered significant vision loss.
The Impact of Glaucoma on Mental Health
Learn about the mental health impacts of living with glaucoma.
2023 Research Progress: Catalyst for a Cure
Glaucoma Research Foundation is dedicated to scientific research that deepens our understanding of glaucoma, generates new treatments, and will ultimately lead to a cure.
The Link Between Alzheimer’s Disease and Glaucoma
Glaucoma and Alzheimer’s Disease are two of the most severe age-related conditions affecting millions worldwide.
7 Tips for People Newly Diagnosed With Glaucoma
The first step in managing glaucoma is understanding your specific condition. There are several types of glaucoma, including open-angle and angle-closure.
Sistemas alternativos de administración de fármacos para glaucoma: ¿Un futuro sin gotas?
En la actualidad se están investigando y desarrollando tecnologías “sin gotas” para administrar medicamentos contra glaucoma en el ojo.
Catalyst for a Cure: un enfoque sinérgico de la investigación científica
El Dr. John G. Flanagan habla de los recientes descubrimientos que podrían curar glaucoma basándose en los principales logros de la investigación de los 20 años de Catalyst for a Cure.
Glaucoma y su bienestar emocional
Si padece de glaucoma, es posible que esté experimentando problemas emocionales además del impacto de glaucoma en su visión.
¿Habrá un tratamiento seguro con células madre para glaucoma en 2023?
El médico doctorado Jeffrey Goldberg repasa los avances recientes de la investigación y explica los riesgos potenciales.
Consejos para vivir con glaucoma
Si usted o alguien de su entorno tiene baja visión debido al glaucoma o a otra enfermedad ocular, aquí tiene unos sencillos consejos que lo ayudarán a seguir llevando una vida cotidiana activa.
Explicación de la neurodegeneración
¿Qué es la neurodegeneración? ¿Y cómo afectarán los descubrimientos relacionados con ella a las personas con glaucoma?
Consejos e ideas para el paciente con glaucoma
Una especialista en glaucoma comparte los consejos que ha ido recopilando a lo largo de los años y que todo paciente debería conocer para controlar mejor su enfermedad.
Consejos para viajar con medicamentos para glaucoma
¿Está planificando unas vacaciones? Si es así, aquí tiene algunos consejos para viajar con sus medicamentos para glaucoma.
¿Qué presión ocular es segura para mí?
La respuesta corta es que “¡es complicado!”. En esta sección de preguntas y respuestas se abordan algunas dudas frecuentes.
The Differences Between Glaucoma and Macular Degeneration
Glaucoma and macular degeneration are two prevalent eye conditions that can lead to severe visual impairment if not addressed promptly.
Types of Pediatric Glaucoma
Glaucoma can affect people of all ages, including infants, children, and young people.
The Connection Between Glaucoma and Other Medical Conditions
Understanding the connections between glaucoma and other health conditions is crucial because it can help doctors identify patients at higher risk of developing glaucoma.
Self-Efficacy and Empowerment
Access to high-quality information can help patients feel more in control.