Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope
Questions to Ask Your Eye Doctor
If you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, obtaining treatment and following your treatment plan are essential to preserving your eyesight.
The Basics
- What type of glaucoma do I have?
- Did something cause my condition? And if so, what?
- How will my vision be affected now and long-term?
- Is it hereditary? What should I tell my family about my condition?
- What are my treatment options?
- Which ones are most appropriate for me? Why?
- What are the possible risks and side effects of this treatment?
- What could happen without treatment?
- What medications do you recommend? Will they interact with any other medications or dietary supplements I am taking?
- How long will this treatment last?
- How will I know if the treatment is working?
- How often will I need checkups?
Lifestyle Changes
- Should I take special precautions when working or driving? And if so, what?
- Which activities should I avoid?
- Can you recommend any glaucoma support groups?
More Tips for Working With Your Doctor
- Make sure you have the information you need. Detailed regimens can be hard to remember. Ask the doctor to write out the treatment plan in large clear letters, and if necessary, color-code the medications and instructions.
- Bring a friend to your appointment. Ask a friend or family member to come with you to your appointment and help you capture all the details. This can be especially helpful if your diagnosis is recent, since the diagnosis may create a shock-like state that makes it hard to absorb all the information the doctor provides.
- Write things down. In addition to taking your own notes at the doctor’s office, keep a journal of drug reactions, their timing, etc. so you won’t have to rely on memory at your next appointment.
- Utilize the medical support team. Trained staff at your doctor’s office, such as nurses and technicians, can be an enormous support to helping you manage your disease. These knowledgeable professionals can often give you the information, time, and attention that can make a big difference.
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Learn More

Working with Your Doctor to Manage Your Glaucoma
It is important that your doctor listens and responds to your concerns and questions, is willing to explain your treatment options, and is available for calls and checkups.

7 Ways to Make the Most of Your Glaucoma Doctor Visit
As glaucoma patients, a basic understanding of glaucoma and its treatment is helpful to prepare for eye doctor visits.

Getting the Most Out of Your Treatment
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