Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope
Shaffer Research Grants
When you’re pushing for a breakthrough, novel leads are essential. Shaffer Grants provide seed funds to bold investigators whose creative projects explore promising leads and show strong potential for impact on glaucoma.

Glaucoma Research Foundation’s Shaffer Grants program is an innovation incubator, attracting much-needed brainpower to glaucoma research and carrying us closer to a cure. Honoring glaucoma pioneer Robert N. Shaffer, MD, who launched the Foundation, these one-year grants provide $55,000 in seed money for collaborative projects that target one or more of our strategic research goals.
In the spirit of high-risk/high-reward discovery, we consider it vital to invest in new research that may go on to earn major government and additional philanthropic support. The National Institutes of Health and large companies may pass over brilliant young researchers with novel ideas if there is no precedent of support for their work. Armed with evidence made possible by our grants, these scientists often secure the major funding they need to bring their ideas to fruition.
Since 1978, Glaucoma Research Foundation has invested over $50 million to advance knowledge through innovative research. Recipients of the first named Shaffer Grants for Innovative Glaucoma Research were announced in 2008 at the Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Benefit. To date, we have awarded more than 300 Shaffer Research Grants. We will continue to lead the way in research until a cure is found.
2025 Shaffer Research Grants

Steven Barnes, PhD

Richard Eva, PhD

Karl Kador, PhD

Balasankara Reddy Kaipa, PhD

Shruthi Karnam, PhD

Fiona McDonnell, PhD

Joel Palko, MD

Vidhya Rao, PhD

Supraja Varadarajan, PhD
Past Research Grants
View previous years’ research grants. For information about Shaffer Grants and research reports prior to 2013, please contact Glaucoma Research Foundation.