Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope
Glaucoma Articles
This is the place for the latest information about our work here at Glaucoma Research Foundation and for current events in the world of eye health. All breakthroughs and insights are made possible through the dedication of researchers, and through the continued financial support and active involvement of the community.

Researcher Spotlight: Anna La Torre, PhD
“Being part of Catalyst for a Cure has given me the opportunity to interact with patients, families, and donors, which has been inspiring and motivating.”

Donor Spotlight: Maureen Farrell
Sometimes when we’re faced with adversity and feel powerless to make a difference, the path forward lies in what we already know how to do.

Glaucoma Specialists Answer Your Questions
Glaucoma doctors answer questions about medications and surgery, diet and exercise, marijuana and other alternative treatments, correlations with other chronic health conditions, and more.

Continúa la investigación en colaboración de “Catalyst for a Cure”
En este artículo, los principales investigadores de CFC nos informan sobre sus últimos desafíos y avances hasta la fecha.

Preguntas y respuestas: qué esperar en su próxima consulta al oftalmólogo durante la pandemia por COVID-19
Andrew Prince, MD responde preguntas sobre qué esperar en su próxima visita al oculista durante la pandemia de coronavirus.

What to Expect on Your Next Eye Doctor Visit during the COVID-19 Pandemic – Questions and Answers
A glaucoma specialist answers questions about what to expect on your next eye doctor visit during the coronavirus pandemic.

Unapproved Glaucoma Treatments
There are many unapproved treatments that are promoted on the internet and elsewhere, including marijuana/cannabidiol (CBD), stem cells, herbal medicines, and nutritional supplements.

Telemedicine: Promising Future for Glaucoma Management
Tele-glaucoma can improve access to care, it can help with disease detection and monitoring, and it can help with ongoing glaucoma management.

New Edition of Glaucoma Booklet is Definitive Resource for Patients
“This is an excellent book that I give to my newly diagnosed glaucoma patients. It answers a lot of questions in clear wording that really helps!”

Advice from a Glaucoma Specialist: A. Sydney Williams, MD
“I would say that the main takeaway point is to be an advocate for your care. From a patient view, you have to advocate for yourself.”

Ask the Expert: Alternative Therapies for Glaucoma
The only proven therapy for glaucoma is lowering interocular pressure. But there is a lot of interest from patients in knowing, “What else can I do?”

My Glaucoma Story: David Epstein
David Epstein was diagnosed with glaucoma in his mid-twenties. “Glaucoma is a day-to-day tough battle,” he says.

Promising Glaucoma Research and the Path to a Cure
Dr. Ou summarizes recent advances in glaucoma research and highlights some of the most innovative and promising approaches to diagnosing glaucoma, curing glaucoma, and restoring vision.

Por qué las células del ganglio retiniano son importantes en los casos de glaucoma
Las células del ganglio retiniano procesan la información visual que empieza cuando la luz entra en el ojo, y la transmiten al cerebro por medio de los axones, que son las largas fibras que forman el nervio óptico.

Coronavirus Eye Safety
Experts say guarding your eyes — as well as your hands and mouth — can slow the spread of coronavirus.

Foundation’s New Horizons Forum: Vision for 2020
With 33 companies presenting innovations and 380 attendees, New Horizons Forum provided a boost of energy and commitment to the future of glaucoma diagnosis and treatment.

What You Should Know as a Glaucoma Patient during COVID-19
Following the latest guidelines for preventing disease transmission through safe hygiene and social distancing is expected to slow and ultimately end the spread of COVID-19.

The Genetics of Glaucoma
There has been a remarkable expansion in understanding of the genetic underpinnings of the major forms of glaucoma. As research progresses, we hope to learn much more.

FDA Approves New Biodegradable Glaucoma Implant from Allergan
Allergan has announced the approval of DURYSTA™ (bimatoprost implant), the first biodegradable sustained-release implant for the treatment of open-angle glaucoma.

2019 Weston Glaucoma Research Lecture by Terri Pickering, MD
Dr. Pickering delivered the Weston Glaucoma Research Lecture, “A New Era for Glaucoma,” in Palo Alto, California on October 22, 2019.

Glaucoma Research Foundation Awards 2020 Shaffer Prize to Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk, PhD
For her research project “Eliminate to Protect,” Dr. Dorota Skowronska-Krawczyk from the University of California, San Diego was awarded the 2020 Shaffer Prize for Innovative Glaucoma Research.

New Medication Delivery Systems for Glaucoma
Learn about novel approaches to drug delivery currently being developed with an aim to improve medical therapy for glaucoma patients.

New Treatment Options for Managing Glaucoma
Two new categories of glaucoma medication eye drops have shown to lower eye pressure significantly and compare well to other established medications.

My Glaucoma Story: Finding the Path from Patient to Vision Advocate
Trinh Green has faced many vision challenges in her life. But that hasn’t discouraged her. Instead, it’s inspired Trinh to become a vision advocate.

Catalyst for a Cure Scientists Show Progress and Collaboration
This research progress report summarizes progress from the first year of the Catalyst for a Cure Vision Restoration Initiative, launched by Glaucoma Research Foundation in 2019.