Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope

The Faces of Glaucoma
The Faces of Glaucoma campaign showcases the diverse stories of glaucoma patients, sharing educational resources to empower individuals to take care of their eye health, educate themselves, and receive their annual eye exam.

Everyone whose life has been shaped by glaucoma shares a dream: we all want to bring an end to a disease that steals precious vision.
Glaucoma Research Foundation is on a quest for a cure.

Catalyst for a Cure is Glaucoma Research Foundation’s flagship research program. Groundbreaking, collaborative, committed to results — this unique discovery model brings great minds together to deliver a future free from glaucoma.

When you’re pushing for a breakthrough, novel leads are essential. Shaffer Grants provide seed funds to bold investigators whose creative projects explore promising leads and show strong potential for impact on glaucoma.

We share knowledge, insight, resources, and inspiration, empowering people affected by glaucoma.

Glaucoma Research Foundation is educating people about this leading cause of irreversible blindness.
Fundraise for us or make a donation today.
Protecting your vision starts with YOU
Join Our Quest for a Cure

Thank you to our Faces of Glaucoma sponsor