Linda Linck
Ms. Linck is an active fundraiser and Chair of GRF’s Development Committee. She has been instrumental in forging strong ties between Glaucoma Research Foundation and the Delta Gamma Foundation of the Delta Gamma women’s fraternity based in Columbus, Ohio, one of the nation’s leading advocates for sight preservation.
Grants from the Delta Gamma Foundation have helped underwrite the GRF website and Gleams newsletter for many years. Following the national lead, Linck encouraged local Delta Gamma chapters in Diablo Valley, Palo Alto, Berkeley, and San Francisco to contribute volunteer time and needed funds to GRF’s education and research programs. Linck has served in a number of Delta Gamma national offices including Vice President/Collegians, National Director of Finance, and National Director of the Art and Eye Exhibit.
Linda Linck was elected to the Glaucoma Research Foundation Board of Directors in January 2009.