Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope

Glaucoma Clinical Trials

Clinical trials are the most effective means of comparing the benefits and risks of new eye disease treatments.

On the National Eye Institute’s (NEI) website, you can access information on all completed and ongoing clinical trials supported by the NEI since 1970.

NEI-supported clinical trials involving glaucoma are all in one easily accessible section. If you are interested in participating in a NEI clinical trial, please visit the NEI website for more information.

The database provides in-depth information on each ongoing clinical trial and an index of investigators by name and location. It also includes a summary of each completed clinical trial, its results, complete bibliography and recommendations for clinical practice.

Also, be sure to check with eye hospitals in your area. There may be local clinical trials in which you can participate.

Use our Find A Clinical Trial matching tool to locate a glaucoma clinical trial that may be of interest to you.

Watch a Video about Clinical Trials

This informative recorded webinar provides an overview of glaucoma clinical trials.