Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope
Donate by Phone or Mail
Your donations bring hope and help to glaucoma patients worldwide. We welcome your gift and want to make it easy for you to give and make a positive impact. Follow the instructions below to donate by phone or by mail.

Donate by Phone
Please use the following number to talk to a member of our development team and make your secure credit card donation.
800-826-6693, ext. 231 (9:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Time, Monday through Friday)
You can leave a message after hours and we will return your call during our business day.
Donate by Mail
Please make your check payable to Glaucoma Research Foundation and mail to:
Glaucoma Research Foundation
251 Post Street, Suite 600
San Francisco, CA 94108
Questions? Contact us to learn more:
Phone: (415) 986-3162, ext. 231
or send us an email.
Thank you!