Glaucoma Research Foundation: Advancing Vision & Hope
The Blanche Matthias Society
The Blanche Matthias Society, named in honor of our beloved financial founder, was established to specially acknowledge bequests and donors who notify us of planned giving, which is so critical to our mission.

Our Inspiration
Born in Chicago in 1887, Blanche Matthias led a spirited, action-packed life. She was a world-wide traveler, ardently championed the new art and artists of her day, and was a published poet and essayist.
Blanche was at the forefront in the fight against glaucoma. When diagnosed with the loss of vision in her second eye, she was determined to help Drs. Robert Shaffer, H. Dunbar Hoskins Jr., and John Hetherington find hope for new treatments for their patients. A bequest in her will helped establish the Glaucoma Research Foundation — an institution that has been a beacon of hope nationally for more than 40 years.
There’s a little of the indomitable spirit of Blanche Matthias in all of us — a little of that capacity to make a big difference with a simple act of personal commitment. Over the years, bequests to the Glaucoma Research Foundation have totaled more than $14 million — a major contribution toward helping us advance a cure.
A Legacy of Hope
The Blanche Matthias Society was created to:
- Honor those who choose glaucoma research and education as their personal legacy by including GRF in their will or trust.
- Provide a way to make a significant gift to GRF that’s not possible for some during their lifetime. Learn more about the various ways to support GRF.
- Assure GRF will continue to lead the search for a cure and provide excellent educational materials and outreach.
- Celebrate Blanche Matthias — and all those like her — whose first priority is finding a cure for glaucoma.
The vital work we do depends almost solely on the contributions of individuals like you. The Glaucoma Research Foundation receives no government funding and the nature of the breakthrough research we pioneer is typically not funded by risk-averse government entities.
Your Own Personal Legacy
The Glaucoma Research Foundation was established by a bequest from Blanche Matthias to make a profound difference in the lives of those affected by glaucoma. She was a champion for the cure, and a catalyst for the future. Your own personal legacy can sustain her vision, and write the next chapters of this fulfilling adventure.
Become a Member
Becoming a member of The Blanche Matthias Society is an easy two-step process:
- Estate planning. Utilize our interactive tools to explore various ways to contribute through your estate and find the best option for your personal circumstances. When including Glaucoma Research Foundation in your will, it is important to use the specific language provided on our website, with any changes required by your local state law. You may use this language in the preparation of your planning, or you may use a simple codicil your attorney may add to your current will.
- Notify us. We will acknowledge your membership and you will receive all the benefits of membership, including:
- Acknowledgment in publications including the Annual Report
- Invitations to Catalyst Circle events including webinars, regional events, and the Annual Dinner
To notify us of your planned bequest, please contact Nancy Graydon:
Phone: (415) 986-3162, ext. 231
or send her an email.
Thank you!